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أمراض الخريف الوقاية منها ممكنة

أمراض الخريف الوقاية منها ممكنة .في فصل الخريف ثمة أمراض عدة يزيد خطر التعرض لها، خصوصاً مع عودة الأطفال إلى المدرسة ، حيث قد يزيد انتشار الفيروسات واحتمال انتقالها. ومع ارتفاع احتمال الإصابة بهذه...

How can I help my child Increase his / her concentration

Mothers complain that their children are easily distracted. They ask them to do a simple thing then come back with another thing or they just forget what they have been asked for. Choose a story or a...

Summer Break Tips

Most if not all students wait for the summer break after months of studying and school examinations. It is essential that students have the right to enjoy and have a healthy and safe summer break...

An Introduction to Teenager’s Treatment

I am A Teenager. An Introduction to Teenager’s Treatment What is “Teenagers Phase” : It is the period of time between childhood and adulthood where the development and growth occur on several physical...

Preparing your children to return to school

With the start of the school, preparing your children to return to school after a vacation filled with fun, entertainment and games will be a challenge to all the parents. Parents make every effort to...

How to turn the holiday from curse to grace

The holiday has begun, the children started to prepare for it with all passion and joy, they find relief from the pressure of the school and its rules, and they can now free themselves from all...

The Importance of knowledge in our life

God has given us the mind, and has distinguished us by it , in order to enrich our knowledge and help us build the world , and think more about God’s blessings. Our religion gave knowledge a high...

Children's Talents and Attitude

What is a talent? A talent is a creative natural ability or aptitude that characterizes a person, every child has his / her special talent. Way of thinking, feeling or behaving; every child is...

Instructions for Exam preparation

Study Tips Final Exams Preparation Check the exams timetable and the Subject you are required to study (pages and worksheets) and contact the respective teacher in case you have lost any Choose an...