Sports Facilities and Gymnasium
The school has many sport facilities, because extracurricular activities are very important in the students' school years. Ensuring that students use them and become part of their daily lives and routines.
- 2 Indoor Basketball Courts.
- 2 Outdoor Basketball Courts.
- Indoor Courts are Transformed Into Volleyball and Tennis Courts Upon Use.
- 5 Soccer Fields and 2 Indoor Schools.
The school facility has an indoor tennis facility for students to use. There is equipment that can be set up for tournaments. Tournaments have been held in the past and our school has been participating in championships since its establishment.
Basketball, Table Tennis, Football, etc.
The school puts extra efforts in extra-curricular activities; basketball and table tennis are considered top sports for students at Oxford Schools. As a matter of fact we offer students scholarships' opportunities if they meet 2 conditions:
- Play at one of the major basketball clubs in Jordan.
- The student GPA is not less than 75%.
Sports Achievements:
- Oxford student Khaled Khader won the first place in the private schools table tennis championship (primary stage) conducted by the Ministry of Education (University Sector) at our table tennis court in the Gymnasium.
- Oxford student Rahaf Al-Kaisi won the third place in the private schools table tennis championship (primary) conducted by the Ministry of Education (University Sector) at our table tennis court in the Gymnasium.
- Oxford student Khaled Aqaad won the second place in the private schools badminton championship (primary) conducted by the Ministry of Education (University Sector).
- Oxford School Handball team won the 5th place at the Islamic Educational College.
Oxford school was invited by the Baccalaureate school to participate in the Athletic event and our students achieved the following:
- Mohammed Jazar won 3rd place in the 100M, and 4th place in the 200M.
- Yazan Baaz won 3rd place in the 1500M and 3000M.
One of the activities provided by the school is the Karate White Belt course, which was conducted by 3 coaches from the Alchankan Club to give a karate course of 15 hours to train students from Kindergarten till grade 6, in order to enable them to pass the first phase (white belt).
The table tennis competition for private education was hosted in Oxford Schools during October.
- Oxford Schools won the competition cup for the primary stage.
- Oxford Schools has friendly competitions with other local private schools.
- In addition, in the Secondary section student Ziad Aziz Hashem Al Ramisi has received a scholarship as an encouragement to continue his hard work to keep his first rank among his age in the tournaments of the table tennis at the level of the kingdom
Football Training:
Oxford provides training every Friday and Saturday for its students (classes 1-6) along the year, the school training is conducted by professional trainers to enhance their football skills and to help our children build healthier bodies for their future and break their study week with a healthy and fruitful weekend.