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Oxford - International Section

International Section

The International department in Oxford Schools is for the Arabic (mother tongue) language students and the non-Arabic language students who are willing to enter the high school certificate by either the British system or the American system.

This department includes levels from the basic level of the first grade till the eighth grade, and the specialization starts from the ninth grade with any of the two systems:

1. The British System:

This system is known as IGCSE/GCE which stands for "International General Certificate of Secondary Education".
It is an educational system approved by Cambridge University, Edexcel University, and the British Council.
The study for this program in Jordan takes four years and it consists of two levels:

  • Ordinary Level
     Known as O-Level this level is completed in the ninth and tenth basic level.
  • Advanced Level
     Known as A-Level this level is completed in the eleventh and twelfth level.

Equivalency System:

  • To equalize the British general certificate for the students interested in such equalization, the following should be met:
  • The student should complete twelve academic years as a regular student in the Jordanian schools.
  • The student should successfully pass two themes at least in the Advanced Level and six themes in the Ordinary Level, and the student should get a grade of (A-B) in the advanced level and (A-D) in the ordinary level.
  •  The Arabic language research should be one of the eight themes of the British general education themes for the Arab student who studies in an Arab country, provided that the Arabic language topic is one of the following topics:
    •  Classical Arabic -Modern Arabic
    •  Arabic 9164 -First Language Arabic

2. The American System:

This system is known as H.S.D. which stands for High School Diploma.
It is the high school system in the United States of America. The system starts from the ninth grade till the twelfth grade.

  • American High School Diploma (Known as ACT):
    A range of courses are offered based on the American curricula, and other courses too that are required by the ministry of education. Meeting both standards, allows the students to continue their journey in Jordan (National Equivalency) or study abroad.
  • Middle School Program: American Program for Grades 7 – 9:
    The content is all determined by American curricula, The Common Core and California Standard, with a few adjustments to meet our needs. We also offer them a content required by the ministry of education. At the end of 8th grade, the student grade (>=80) decides whether to study the British Program or the American Program, which is offered between grades 9 – 12.
  • Elementary School Program: American Program for Grades 1 – 6:
    The content is all determined by American curricula, The Common Core and California Standard, with a few adjustments to meet our needs. We also offer them a content required by the ministry of education.

The Equivalency System of the American System:

The equalization system is broken down into two parts:

  • SAT Reasoning-Test or (SAT I): It is a test conducted for the students who are interested to pursue their study in the United States of America or the American Universities all over the world. This test is not accredited by the Jordanian Ministry of Education and the students are not accepted in the Jordanian universities or Arab universities.
  • SAT Subject Test known by (SAT II): It is the test accredited by the Jordanian Ministry of Education to be considered equal to the Jordanian high school certificate. The Jordanian schools graduates should successfully pass all the levels in the hereunder themes in the eleventh and twelfth grades in addition to the American themes: Arabic Language (communication skills), Islamic Education (for Muslim student), and general education in the Jordanian curriculum for the present academic year graduates.
  • The student should pass seven topics in the (SAT II) test and accomplish a mark of 450.

International Department Curricular :

The Schools adopt the international curricular in the International Department for the H.S.D. system and IGCSE system as per the requirements of both systems. Arabic language is taught to non-Arabic speakers where the department adopts the English language as a basic language. The Schools apply computerized educational methods; the teaching skills are developed to motivate students' thinking such as the critical thinking strategy, problem-solving, group teaching, and individual learning.

The International Department Buildings :

The buildings of the international department are modern buildings equipped with scientific labs such as physics, chemistry, biology, general sciences, main libraries, and computer labs.
They are equipped with all necessary tools, materials, and public safety precautions so that the students can take part in the class, perform experiments, discussions, and questions as the labs accommodate a large number of students to work together at the same time.

The international department building comprise the largest GYM sport arena which is equipped with all sport installations necessary for the students' different activities, which has vast courts with amphitheaters for the fans, in addition to swimming pools, indoor sport halls for squash, basketball, volleyball and football.
This school welcomes students of different ages, nationalities, social and culture backgrounds, males and females.
It directs and guides them to achieve total development (mentally, psychologically, and physically) in consistency with their abilities, interests, and future aspirations and hopes from grade one to grade twelve.
The school complies with the Ministry of Education compulsory curriculum (1-10) with the desirable adaptation to meet the individual differences of the learners.

When the student reaches the end of the compulsory level, he is given the opportunity to sit for external test supervised by well-known universities such as Cambridge University for IGCSE test, London University for GCE O&L test, and the SAT test under the supervision of College Board, USA.

Based on the student's marks in each test, the academic topics are equalized by the Jordanian Ministry of Education for each student willing to pursue his/her study in the Jordanian/Arab universities, after the academic serial are authenticated by the Private Education Directorate. Furthermore, the student's pass in the IG & GCE test qualifies him/her to admission in the British and European universities, and the student's pass in the SAT test qualifies him/her to admission in the American universities.

To ensure admission in the Arab or foreign universities, the academic advisor at the international department directs the students to fully understand the admission requirements in the universities, the available specializations, tuitions, and graduation requirements. In addition, the school international library has many catalogues on the Arab and foreign universities which enable the student to understand the basic information about many universities.

Educational programs, Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, Course Management and Delivery.

We offer both an American Program and a British Program (IGCSE/GCE). As part of our improvement efforts, we recently adapted the Common Core Curriculum, and the California Standards, which has been very helpful in guiding our instructional time.

Our students receive 7 instructional classes a day; each class is 50 minutes long. Instructional time is monitored for alignment with school goals, vision, and curriculum. Instructions are also differentiated in order to accommodate our diverse learners. Assessment efforts are also monitored for alignment with instruction and curriculum. We also perform curricular mapping in order to compare our academic standards to the local, national standards, which assures that our students are receiving an equal education, and an equal opportunity to move forward locally, if that’s what they want to do.

We are also required by the Ministry of Education to include certain courses in our academic programs, which we have complied with by all means; we provide our students with a National Education course, an Arabic Language course, and an Islamic Studies course. Our aim, therefore, is to provide a research-based curriculum sufficiently flexible to meet a wide range of demands, and rigorous enough to meet the challenges of the national system whilst catering a wide range of abilities. To determine whether or not we are moving towards our aim, we perform three types of system wide assessments, we analyze our students SAT scores annually. We analyze student performance on exams whose questions were taken from credible publishers of tests (NWEA Assessment Tests). And we distribute our students across three rating tiers; each tier revolves around specific expectations. The combined effect of these three procedures provides us with an idea about where we stand academically.

Non-curricular Activities in the International Department.

The educational process staff at the international department believes in the importance of developing the students: academically, socially, culturally, and physically.
Proceeding from this prospect, the following non-curriculum activities are launched throughout the year.
Oxford Schools Partnering with UCMAS
UC MAS program is designed to boost brain power and stimulate young minds using the abacus (an ancient tool used for performing arithmetic processes).

Community Service

For the academic year 2012/2013 Oxford Schools International Section students participated in going to a local orphanage and providing them with supplies and toys for the Eid Al-Adha. The participants included students, teachers, and administrators.
The organizers were very grateful to Oxford for their generous contributions.

The International Section Fees for 2025/2026

Grade Fees(JD) Payment
1st 2900 1st : 970
2nd: 970
3rd : 960
2nd 3075 1st : 1025
2nd: 1025
3rd : 1025
3rd 3190 1st : 1065
2nd: 1065
3rd : 1060
4th 3365 1st : 1125
2nd: 1125
3rd : 1115
5th 3535 1st : 1180
2nd: 1180
3rd : 1175
6th 3715 1st : 1240
2nd: 1240
3rd : 1235
7th 3825 1st : 1275
2nd: 1275
3rd : 1275
8th 3995 1st :1335
2nd: 1335
3rd : 1325
9th 4170 1st : 1390
2nd: 1390
3rd : 1390
10th 4685 1st : 1565
2nd: 1565
3rd : 1555
11th 5205 1st : 1735
2nd: 1735
3rd : 1735
12th 5670 1st : 1890
2nd: 1890
3rd : 1890


Accident Insurance (100) JD

Registration Fees (150) JD

Technology (100) JD

Graduation (Grade 12) (250) JD

Refundable Insurance (New & Grade 1 Students) (75) JD

Date Of Payment